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Interesting Flood Facts
•  Floods and flash floods happen in ALL 50 states.
•  Most homeowners insurance does NOT cover flood damage.
•  Just an inch of water can cause costly damage to your property.
•  A car can easily be carried away by just two feet of floodwater.
•  Flood Insurance in Florida has been in business for over 30 years.
•  New land development can increase flood risk, especially if the construction changes natural runoff paths.
•  If you live in a low-to-moderate risk area and are eligible for the Preferred
Risk Policy, your flood insurance premium may be as low as $119 a year, including coverage for your property’s contents.
•  In some cases, it takes 30 days after the purchase for a policy to take effect, so it’s important to buy insurance before floodwaters start to rise.
•  We’re not an offshore company. We’re part of the Florida community and we know how important Flood Insurance is to the protection of our neighbors.
•  Your home has a 28% chance of being damaged by a flood during the course of a 30-year mortgage, compared to a 8% chance of fire.
•  The average annual U.S. flood losses in the past 10 years (2002-2012) were more than $4.4 billion.
•  Over 12 million people currently hold flood insurance policies in more than 38,200 communities across the U.S.
•  Last year, one-third of all claims paid by the NFIP were for policies in low-risk communities.
•  With all of the constant changes in the Florida Flood market it is very important to have a trusted company that specializes in Florida flood insurance that can really guide you toward a safe peace of mind.
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